Sunday, May 12, 2019

Poem: Planning on Dessert

Planning on Dessert

Bright diner cheers with red and chrome
The speckled formica states the common bounty with
Crusty red sauces and packets of sweetness and soldiered salt and pepper and tardis napkins for the happy mess
And the little plastic sign that promises pretty pies and careful cakes
Tempting, proclaiming before the beginning
How sweet the ending can be
“Save some room for pie!”

All during the full oval dinner we eye the ending
Speculating on just desserts
Is the cheesecake cheezy or cakey?
Good enough for the price of empty sweet?

And then the loving battle of “Something Else?”
Where soldiers of Self battle
The compromise of Share
“Yes, we’ll share the carrot cake.”
“You could have gotten the cheesecake.”
“I know.”