Monday, May 27, 2019

Am I Right?

I have heard three speakers in the last month who were fond of saying “Right?” or “Am I right?” after making pronouncements in their sermon/lectures.  What is this about? Are they really seeking audience confirmation? Is it a way of saying “Can I get an Amen?”

Last Sunday I was at a really wonderful Methodist church around Tampa and was having my ordinary responses to Methodist worship: “Trespasses” in the Lord’s Prayer? Really? This of course in the face of the even worse Reformed  “debts.” Also, in the Apostle's Creed, it’s one of the few times I take the missing “He descended into hell” personally. An iffy theological concept, but a part of my tradition, dammit.

So I was just a little grumpy by the time the sermon came around and having the engaging younger minister ask me if I was agreeing with everything he said did not go over well. I have to be in a pretty good space to nod affirmation to everything a speaker is saying even if I am, in fact, agreeing. I am not a sheep! I will have ironic distance and rational consideration and boundary awareness in play that is not so easily dismissed by a speaker asking “Right?” every 2 minutes.

I think this is a real problem. Am I right or am I right? So if I ever reach some speaking nadir and use this verbal device in an address of mine, you can do me a favor and, when asked, shout “Possibly!”