Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Chasing the Weather: Retirement and Thermostats

I'm still sitting on a sunny porch.  There haven't been many clouds all week. The temperature drifts up to the high 70s. It's a little chilly at night.  In short, almost perfect weather. On occasion I like to bake in the sun, but not as a rule. The sweaty hot thing is only nice when there is water near. Bake, dip, repeat.

Elize, 82, praises the weather in Rustenburg with a charming British coo: "ooo I just love the weather here. I hate the cold."

I think of all the retired snowbirds who fly to Florida ostensibly for the weather. It can't be the culture or the politics and certainly not the stimulation of cultural diversity in those compounds.

I wonder if we can't take the dislike of the cold more seriously up north. Build sunny warming huts for the oldsters. I just read an advertisement trying to sell me a smart light that proclaimed that older people need many more lumens to get around. I'm not sure what evolutionary purpose this need for warmth and light when older fulfills, but it can't hurt to take it a bit more seriously and stop trying to keep the thermostats 'normal.' My poor wife has no idea of what is in store. We already have a year-round hot tub. Soon I will be putting up a sweat lodge in the backyard. Please don't make me wear a sweater and a shawl just to survive.

Don't get me wrong, Florida is a nice place to visit. I have beloved friends and family there. And there is a lot of water and quite a few places to eat and a good tax rate and maybe . . .  No. There must be more important things in choosing a place to live than just hating the cold. Like . . . schools. Yes.  Schools. Florida has horrid schools. Hmm. If you don't have kids, this may be a plus.

Well. At the moment, a sweat lodge will be easier to manage than a house in Florida.