True enlightenment, as we know from Star Wars, involves a solitary isolation from life. Both Yoda and Luke get so isolated that a major plot line is the search for these wise guys to save the day. And while it looks like they re-engage in the nick of time, in Luke’s case, it turns out to be some sort of astral projection from his island fortress of solitude.
There is a thread of desire in me to retire to the mountaintop cave, wear a loincloth and entertain random, occasional seekers after truth. Even after reading all the research about having purpose in retirement leads to a longer, better life, I am not quite there personally. I’m not sure if it is simply sloth or cynicism or existential weariness, but I am not now terribly inclined to save the world by taking up arms against a sea of troubles. Maybe it’s just today that I feel like older Luke. Yoda was 900 years old when Luke found him on Dagobah and brought him back to engagement. If you hear I’m on a mountaintop someplace, come get me. Bring clothes.