Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Results of Retirement Survey

I sent out a survey about retirement to folks who I had reason to believe might fill it out.  So, with the VERY important caveat that the sample is "People who know Bill," we have some early results.  About half the sample was either retired or semi retired. I noted that the retirees filled out their forms first as a whole.  :)

On several questions, there was a wide divergence of opinion. I'll do the fancy deviation stats later, but it's clear that on some issues, folks do not agree: whether they will be working a bit in retirement, whether work friends survive retirement, feelings about saving more.  On the whole the group doesn't seem to be worrying much about retirement money.  Here is more:

Some of these speak for themselves, but I think you will agree the responses are interesting.  This is just a teaser, since I will wait for other kinds of folks to join the statistical chorus before wrapping it up.

In terms of how this all affects me, it looks like I will be leading some trips in the future, since lots of folks are interested in that and good travel with friends is rewarding.