Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Schenectady Retirement Roundtable Group To Meet

I know that many many of those of you who read these very random posts do not reside in the Capitol District.  For those of you who do, I am going to convene a retirement roundtable that meets once a month just to chat about things. It will meet

First Wednesdays at 7:30am in the Mohawk House of First Reformed Church. 

It will not be a particularly religious gathering unless that happens to come up.  It will be a group of people who are interested in this topic either because they are retired, about to retire, or planning on it in some way. The time is carefully chosen so that people who are working can probably come and the people who are retired can have a reason to get out of the dam bed.  We will focus on one of my posts from this place right here until we run out of them.  Then who knows?  We might all be dead.