Of the many ways in which the internet is wrong besides getting to Cuba I could address, I suppose I should say something about retirement in this regard. Like investment advice in general, there is a vast array of people making money with completely different approaches. Let the record show that there are also people losing money with different approaches. Like so many things in life, the particular details of an individual's situation make it very hard to generalize recommendations.
When I started teaching speech and preaching, I had a neat curriculum of accepted practices and generalizations that worked most of the time. But even when the tried and true worked, it rarely was exactly what an individual speaker needed to be a great communicator. The longer I taught speech and preaching, the more I relied on coaching individuals on how to change the thing they really really needed to fix to get out of their own way. With this learning in mind, and after talking to many people of different stripes about their plans, the same issues apply to retirement. Not only will some information about the market or about Social Security or about health care be out of date, it may not apply to your situation even after you find the latest best information.
This may suggest, like public speaking, the need for coaching, but be sure your coach is up to date on the facts and your particularities which are listed in another posting.